Modal Nekad - actors, characters and roles

All actors and their roles in the film "Modal Nekad"
Modal Nekad (2024)
Timing: 1:47 (107 min)
Modal Nekad - TMDB rating

Actors and characters

Photo Gading Marten #288710Photo Gading Marten #288711

Gading Marten

Gading Marten
Character Saipul
Photo Tarra Budiman #379331Photo Tarra Budiman #406235Photo Tarra Budiman #406236

Tarra Budiman

Tarra Budiman
Character Jamal
Photo Fatih Unru #257185

Fatih Unru

Fatih Unru
Character Marwan
Photo Bucek Depp #288671

Bucek Depp

Bucek Depp
Character Teddy Salsa
Photo Sahila Hisyam #328193Photo Sahila Hisyam #328194Photo Sahila Hisyam #393012Photo Sahila Hisyam #393013

Sahila Hisyam

Sahila Hisyam
Character Rosma
Photo Mike Lucock #84411Photo Mike Lucock #84412Photo Mike Lucock #84413

Mike Lucock

Mike Lucock
Character Petrus
Photo Sadana Agung #133660

Sadana Agung

Sadana Agung
Character Bakti

Coki Anwar

Coki Anwar
Character Agus
Photo Tanta Ginting #231592Photo Tanta Ginting #231593Photo Tanta Ginting #231594

Tanta Ginting

Tanta Ginting
Character Bripka Bowo

Reza Hilman

Reza Hilman
Character Briptu Ardi
Photo Budi Ros #55499

Budi Ros

Budi Ros
Character Bapak Husein
Photo Astri Nurdin #241299Photo Astri Nurdin #241300Photo Astri Nurdin #241301Photo Astri Nurdin #241302

Astri Nurdin

Astri Nurdin
Character Ibu Husein
Photo Joe P Project #269960

Joe P Project

Joe P Project
Character Pak RT
Photo Tora Sudiro #132192

Tora Sudiro

Tora Sudiro
Character Geng Jamal

Stevie Item

Stevie Item
Character Geng Jamal
Photo Ananda Omesh #379335

Ananda Omesh

Ananda Omesh
Character Geng Jamal

Angga Nggok

Angga Nggok
Character Sandera
Photo Augie Fantinus #299344

Augie Fantinus

Augie Fantinus
Character Koh Feng
Photo Sarah Tumiwa #316813

Sarah Tumiwa

Sarah Tumiwa
Character Perempuan Warteg
Photo Chika Waode #370811

Chika Waode

Chika Waode
Character Ibu Provokator


Character Pemuda Lewat

Fabio Rayzhan

Fabio Rayzhan
Character Saipul Kecil


Character Jamal Kecil

Arsenio Rafisqy

Arsenio Rafisqy
Character Marwan Kecil
Photo Freya Mikhayla #371362

Freya Mikhayla

Freya Mikhayla
Character Indira (Cucu Teddy)
Photo Dwi Sasono #256410Photo Dwi Sasono #256411Photo Dwi Sasono #256412Photo Dwi Sasono #256413

Dwi Sasono

Dwi Sasono
Character Pejalan Cepat

Farhan Frisia

Farhan Frisia
Character Pemilik Warung Ketabrak
Photo Imam Darto #379336

Imam Darto

Imam Darto
Character Penjaga Counter HP
Photo Mastur #379337


Character Bapak 1
Photo Ebel Cobra #370810

Ebel Cobra

Ebel Cobra
Character Pekerja Matrial

Andi Sujono

Andi Sujono
Character Sopir Teddy

Dicky Maulana Saputra

Dicky Maulana Saputra
Character Pemilik Sepeda Banci


Character Perempuan Toilet
Photo Iqbaal Ramadhan #338754Photo Iqbaal Ramadhan #338755Photo Iqbaal Ramadhan #338756Photo Iqbaal Ramadhan #338757

Iqbaal Ramadhan

Iqbaal Ramadhan
Character Penyapu Jalanan

Floki and the Clan

Floki and the Clan
Character Anjing Kejar Saipul
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