Once Upon A Lie

謊島美人魚 (2025)
Timing: 0:0 (0 min)
Once Upon A Lie - TMDB rating
Release date
Hong Kong
Drama, Romance
Online movie critic known for his sharp reviews, has now become an AI to dish the dirt on the latest cinematic disaster, "The Mermaid Falls for Me." A struggling writer who's close to his mom, stumbles into an online romance with a fan of his work. He thinks he's hit the jackpot in love and heads to an island for a mix of business and pleasure. But when his internet sweetheart is a no-show and his writing gig goes south, He's left high and dry. That's when he unexpectedly connects with Wen, his innkeeper, who's actually his online crush in disguise—a woman healing from a broken heart through her anonymous internet persona. Wen, once shy and lacking confidence, comes alive with the writer’s flirty chats. The writer inspired by Wen, invites her to co-write a new spin on the tired mermaid story. But as they finish, life throws a wrench in the works: His mom falls ill. In the emotional chaos, he finds out Wen was his mystery girl all along. He reacts badly, and Wen leaves, heartbroken.
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