Fanny och Alexander på Galeasen - actors, characters and roles

All actors and their roles in the film "Fanny och Alexander på Galeasen"
Fanny och Alexander på Galeasen (2025)
Timing: 3:13 (193 min)
Fanny och Alexander på Galeasen - TMDB rating

Actors and characters

Oliver Hagenfeldt Eek

Oliver Hagenfeldt Eek
Character Alexander Ekdahl

Maj Säll Carlén

Maj Säll Carlén
Character Fanny Ekdahl
Photo Christina Schollin #128445

Christina Schollin

Christina Schollin
Character Helena Ekdahl
Photo Hannes Meidal #399756

Hannes Meidal

Hannes Meidal
Character Biskop Edvard Vergerus / Isak Jacobi
Photo Oskar Thunberg #363041

Oskar Thunberg

Oskar Thunberg
Character Oscar Ekdahl
Photo Lina Englund #169017Photo Lina Englund #169018

Lina Englund

Lina Englund
Character Emilie Ekdahl
Photo Torkel Petersson #322661

Torkel Petersson

Torkel Petersson
Character Gustav Adolf Ekdahl
Photo Jacob Ericksson #124878

Jacob Ericksson

Jacob Ericksson
Character Carl Ekdahl

Embla Hane

Embla Hane
Character Hanna Schwartz / Aron Retzinsky

Agneta Ehrensvärd

Agneta Ehrensvärd
Character Fröken Vega

Sten Johan Hedman

Sten Johan Hedman
Character Filip Landahl

Fredric Odenborg

Fredric Odenborg
Character Ismael Retzinsky
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