Narvik - actors, characters and roles

All actors and their roles in the film "Narvik"
Kampen om Narvik (2022)
Timing: 1:48 (108 min)
Narvik - TMDB rating

Actors and characters

Photo Henrik Mestad #122292Photo Henrik Mestad #122293Photo Henrik Mestad #122294

Henrik Mestad

Henrik Mestad
Character Majoren
Photo Stig Henrik Hoff #76869Photo Stig Henrik Hoff #76870

Stig Henrik Hoff

Stig Henrik Hoff
Character Aslak Tofte
Photo Kari Bremnes #266700

Kari Bremnes

Kari Bremnes
Character Hotelldirektøren
Photo Christoph Bach #265581

Christoph Bach

Christoph Bach
Character Den tyske konsulen
Photo Billy Campbell #27185Photo Billy Campbell #27186Photo Billy Campbell #27187Photo Billy Campbell #27188

Billy Campbell

Billy Campbell
Character British Consul George L.D. Gibbs
Photo Holger Handtke #58699

Holger Handtke

Holger Handtke
Character Den tyske generalen
Photo Magnus Dugdale #266701

Magnus Dugdale

Magnus Dugdale
Character Den britiske diplomaten

Edvard Lie Aalstad

Edvard Lie Aalstad
Character Menig Hansen

Øyvind Trøite

Øyvind Trøite
Character Menig Præstnes

Torfinn Nag

Torfinn Nag
Character Obersten
Photo Isak Bakli Aglen #207089Photo Isak Bakli Aglen #207090Photo Isak Bakli Aglen #207091

Isak Bakli Aglen

Isak Bakli Aglen
Character Korporal Larsen
Photo Emil Johnsen #266702

Emil Johnsen

Emil Johnsen
Character Ordføreren

Carsten Brocker

Carsten Brocker
Character Tysk lege
Photo Benjamin Noble #97909

Benjamin Noble

Benjamin Noble
Character Britisk marineoffiser

Øyvind Mørk

Øyvind Mørk
Character Sofistikert gjest

Niels Lian Mildes

Niels Lian Mildes
Character Tysk soldat
Photo  #150513

Bjørn Iversen
Character Løytnant Harald Hegge

Anders Wang

Anders Wang
Character Kaptein Arthur Bjørnson

Jon Egil Ramslie

Jon Egil Ramslie
Character Norsk soldat
Photo Dennis Vareide #266703

Dennis Vareide

Dennis Vareide
Character Norsk soldat
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