Conquest 1453 - actors, characters and roles

All actors and their roles in the film "Conquest 1453"
Fetih 1453 (2012)
Timing: 2:40 (160 min)
Conquest 1453 - TMDB rating

Actors and characters

Photo Devrim Evin #373633Photo Devrim Evin #373634

Devrim Evin

Devrim Evin
Character Sultan Mehmed II
Photo İbrahim Çelikkol #292756Photo İbrahim Çelikkol #292757Photo İbrahim Çelikkol #361809Photo İbrahim Çelikkol #361810

İbrahim Çelikkol

İbrahim Çelikkol
Character Ulubatlı Hasan
Photo Cengiz Coşkun #373635Photo Cengiz Coşkun #373636Photo Cengiz Coşkun #373637

Cengiz Coşkun

Cengiz Coşkun
Character Giovanni Giustiniani
Photo Recep Aktuğ #373638Photo Recep Aktuğ #395025Photo Recep Aktuğ #395026

Recep Aktuğ

Recep Aktuğ
Character Constantine XI
Photo Şahika Koldemir #373639Photo Şahika Koldemir #373640Photo Şahika Koldemir #373641

Şahika Koldemir

Şahika Koldemir
Character Gulbahar Hatun
Photo Erden Alkan #387523

Erden Alkan

Erden Alkan
Character Çandarlı Halil Paşa
Photo Naci Adıgüzel #45640Photo Naci Adıgüzel #45641

Naci Adıgüzel

Naci Adıgüzel
Character Granduk Notaras

Raif Hikmet Cam

Raif Hikmet Cam
Character Aksemseddin
Photo Sedat Mert #98707

Sedat Mert

Sedat Mert
Character Zaganos Pasha
Photo Mustafa Atilla Kunt #395027

Mustafa Atilla Kunt

Mustafa Atilla Kunt
Character Sahabettin Pasha

Özcan Alişer

Özcan Alişer
Character Saruca Pasha

Yilman Babaturk

Yilman Babaturk
Character Ishak Pasha

Murat Sezal

Murat Sezal
Character Isa Pasha

Faik Aksoy

Faik Aksoy
Character Karaca Pasha

Huseyin Santur

Huseyin Santur
Character Baltaoglu Suleiman Pasha

Oner As

Oner As
Character Molla Gurani

Halis Bayraktaroglu

Halis Bayraktaroglu
Character Kurtçu Dogan
Photo İzzet Çivril #247612Photo İzzet Çivril #247613Photo İzzet Çivril #247614

İzzet Çivril

İzzet Çivril
Character Kardinal Isidor
Photo Ali Rıza Soydan #373644

Ali Rıza Soydan

Ali Rıza Soydan
Character Pope Nicholas V

Songül Kaya

Songül Kaya
Character Emine Hatun
Photo Adnan Kürkçü #373645

Adnan Kürkçü

Adnan Kürkçü
Character Pastor Genadius
Photo Lili Rich #31148

Lili Rich

Lili Rich
Character Dancer
Photo Celal Al #373646

Celal Al

Celal Al
Character Soldier

Askin Ceylan

Askin Ceylan
Character Komutan

Bumin Dedecan

Bumin Dedecan
Character Lagimci Mustafa Aga

Mahmut Gürses

Mahmut Gürses
Character Karaman
Photo Volkan Keskin #373647Photo Volkan Keskin #373648

Volkan Keskin

Volkan Keskin
Character Balaban

Faruk Metin

Faruk Metin
Character Soylu

Ali Pariltan

Ali Pariltan
Character Alipstyle

Eser Sariyar

Eser Sariyar
Character Soldier

Nazim Solmaz

Nazim Solmaz
Character Soldier

Mertcan Tekin

Mertcan Tekin
Character Yavuz

Edip Tüfekci

Edip Tüfekci
Character Sehzade Orhan

Yigit Yarar

Yigit Yarar
Character Jannisary Huseyin
Photo Fatih Zenginoglu #373649

Fatih Zenginoglu

Fatih Zenginoglu
Character Rum Haberci
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